– 500 g of psuedofuto bagasse or cashew apple
– 300 g oat flour
– 1 teaspoon of olive oil
– 50g of tomato sauce
– 1 chopped onion
– 1 paprika
– Salt to taste
– Garlic powder to taste
– 1 container
– 1 strainer
– 1 blender or food processor
– 1 spatula
– 1 frying pan or grill
1. Blend the pseudo fruit or cashew apple and drain well through a strainer, the bagasse that is generated after processing it. You use the bagasse for the preparation and you can drink the juice while you prepare this delicious recipe!
2. Mix all the ingredients in a large container with your hands or with the help of a spatula
3. With this dough, form 5 hamburgers of approximately 8 cm in diameter by 1.5 to 2 cm thick
4. Put them in the fridge-refrigerator for 20 minutes
5. To cook, lightly oil grill grate or skillet and grill each burger for 5 minutes on each side or until cooked through.
6. Remove from the heat and accompany your hamburgers as you prefer